Monday, December 24, 2007

Spider Dreams

Black Wishbone Spider

I had a dream about spiders the other night. This time, they weren’t in my bed. They were just sticking to me and my clothes. They were good sized and there were tons of them. My husband kept trying to wipe the off of me, but they just kept sticking to me.

I have been having several nightmares the past week or so. One, where I was blamed by my aunt for all the deaths in my family. That all the things that I have said I feel for my family members was false. My father was still alive in this dream, but he still looked like he was around 15 years old. I was ruining his prized possessions, while being led by the “voice in my ear” – my Aunt.

A few nights ago, I had a dream about invisible people, or ghosts. I am still not sure which. They kept running around, pulling pranks on people, but they had giant Mickey Mouse glove hands.

I have very vivid dreams. I always have. Usually they don’t make sense, sometimes they make perfect sense. Sometimes I remember them for years later, sometimes I only remember them for about 5 minutes later. I try to write them down, or talk about them. The more I tell, the more I remember.

When I was a little over three, I had my first vivid dream about spiders. I had to have been a little over three and a half. I was running around in my bed, with my eyes wide open, screaming about spiders being in my bed. They were everywhere. But I wasn’t awake. My mom heard me from downstairs and woke me, standing in the middle of my bed. I have been terrified of spiders ever since.

A lot of times, I can tell what is really bothering me at the time in my life when I have weird dreams. I can’t walk myself out of my dreams, but my husband is trying to teach me how. I guess he knows how. He’s done it before. Dreams are strange things. I used to often think that they were links to the past, or ways to communicate with the dead. I seemed to get messages from my dad after he passed in my dreams. I also have had dreams about people that I have never met, or places I have never been to, but I knew quite a few things about. I wasn’t them, but I worked with them, or I was visiting an era.

I guess I’ll just have to keep writing down my dreams and trying to figure out what they mean. Hopefully one day, they will mean that I will fall into millions of dollars. J

Happy holidays! May all your fantastic dreams come true!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Random Thoughts #1

Movie poster for The Poseidon Adventure

Have you ever had one of those moments? The ones that stick in your mind and you are positive that you lived it. But it feels almost like it was a dream? I have this happens to me all the time.

I have very fleeting memories that sometimes are just out of my reach from things in my distant past. I have lost much of my long term memory and some of my short term memory because of medical procedures and chemicals.

So anyway, a memory of mine has been plaguing me for years and years. When I was being babysat by this family, I was very very young. Under 8, probably. The family I stayed with loved horror movies. I remember seeing parts of Halloween, and being scared out of my mind later on in the night. One movie was on ABC as a Saturday Night movie. I remembered parts of it, well one part in particular that made me never, EVER want to go on a cruise. I had a vision of an overturned cruise ship, during a Christmas party, and everyone was being rescued by helicopter.

After searching around the wonder that is the internet, after all these years, I found out that the movie I had been looking for was The Poseidon Adventure. The original. It makes me laugh because I kept saying, "No, that can't be it. It's too easy." Now, I know.

I have just spent the last three hours (I know) looking for another movie that I think was a made for TV movie. I can't find it through keywords, or even the date. I feel like I am losing my mind. I have a very clear memory of watching this, at least one scene in the movie and where I was, etc. It drives me crazy when I get the snippets, but not the whole memory.